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To sa 81 produkty bez Bromeliowate
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Flamboyant, cheerful and strong: Bromelia is the swinging Latina among houseplants with spirited colours and exuberant shapes. The Bromelia brings tropical vibes inside, but also outside on your balcony or terrace! Perfect as a late summer plant for a dose of salsa and instant happiness. There are many different varieties and colours. We highlight a few varieties and show how the Bromelia fits into different styles.
There are several species of Bromelia. Each species has its own colours and shapes. We name a few Bromeliads:
The most striking thing about Guzmania are the brightly coloured bracts that grow from a beautiful rosette and together form a funnel. Special flowers bloom between the bracts. Guzmania comes in a huge range of colours and shades, such as yellow, red, white, pink, purple or bicoloured.
The Vriesea comes in many different colours. All those coloured Bromeliads make you feel very active. The Vriesea comes with a coloured calyx or branched inflorescence.
This is a pineapple as an ornamental plant. The fruit is a lot smaller and looks like a mini pineapple growing inside a Bromelia. The colour is also a few shades darker. It is not grown for consumption but if you are lucky and wait for the fruit to turn orange-red, you can try a bite.
The Neoregelia comes not only in red but also in purple, pink and orange! Some have pretty white dots in the leaves. Remarkably, it does not have a flower like many other Bromeliads. In fact, the heart leaves slowly turn from green to colour.